"Superman lives
Thionville !"
Nrj 12
"Tellement vrai"
"He looks like
nobody else"
End of year 2003, I entered a company which will be my longest employment period (7 years) but which will also sign the most beautiful years of my life… I would like here to introduce you a company which, even if it has closed today, was my "second family" during so many years…
Denis, exploitation director.
In sierck les bains, france, or in the office, Denis by his years of work and his experiment, always knew how to control the situation. He learned to never discourage myself and always to think before to act. Good mind, he proved me that depression was an useless waste of time.
Marc, second exploitation director. Marc succeeds Antoine, Joseph, and another Marc and seems to be all new one at Helminger. However, he becomes quickly a faithful collaborator, despite everything what could arrive to him these past last years and always aspired to make all his possible so that work environment stats positive and pleasant.
Jérome, Shipper.
Young person after me in the equip and which however have many qualities in his work. He surprised everyone when he arrived and would easily been able to become the successor of Denis. Today in another company, he remains however a faithful friend who can as well work as enjoy himself.
Mr Harlé, director.
Thanks to him, all has started. After thrust me on an ISO project, he offered me possibility to continue this "adventure". Later, he will need me for many other missions, as different as as varied. Always there to support me , I will never thank him enough for all the things he made for me. Without him, nothing would have been possible.
Mory Helminger included ten people in the office, drivers and other staff. I knew all these people during these 7 years, and I miss them today. I will never forget them. I had even creates a newspaper in order to talk about their adventures… and also to be able to remember later…
Mory Helminger, in the past TNTE, was a transport company located at Crauthem, at the border of Luxembourg. Today destroyed and replaced by an old people's home, the company was bought in 2009 by company Essers and is now in Contern.
Jean-Marc, Accountant.
Rigorous and organized accountant, Jean Marc was always my best friend at Helminger. He helped me in many difficult situations, our discussions and our chess games were always profitable for my evolution as in Helminger as in real life of every day. I will never be able enough thank him for all what he made, and I hope sincerely that we will keep contact because he will always be able to count on me.
So that the memory remains...
Josiane, litigation and euro palettes department.
"Josie" lives in her own "world". However, she was always an understanding and so sympathetic colleague, and that, even if she was the "suffers-pain" of the group. Simple, she however shows much organization in her work, and a trustworthy person before all.
Anne-Marie, Accountant assistant.
Called for a long time my "mother-in-law" because of her charming daughter, Anne-Marie was an exceptional confident and a devoted friend. Always smiling, she deals with the difficulties with rigour, intelligence and especially incredible calm.
Alice, invoices department.
Taunt Alice, like I called her for a long time, was always there to gave me a "kick in my ass" when I needed one. Her tenacity and her perseverance often showed me the right way when I was out of it and always good advices when I needed them. Her nickname shows at which point she was important for me.
Paulette et Sabine, Import/Export Department My first two female colleagues, " wonder womens" who learned me transport at Helminger and the "rigour" sometimes hazardous of transport at Mory ! With time and in spite of difficulties, they became incredible friends and confident without them the helminger newspaper would have never existed !
Mory Helminger was sure a work place, but environment which reigned there was incomparable. Barbecues, fishing days, parties, all was made so that each one there feels good and that everyone can feel, colleagues, customers, friends...
Silvio, Olivier, Christian, Guy, workers.
These 4 people were my right-hand men for so many years and we raised together and especially thanks to them, many challenges. Without them I would never have been able to go so far.
Mory Helminger, in the past TNTE, was a transport company located at Crauthem, at the border of Luxembourg. Today destroyed and replaced by an old people's home, the company was bought in 2009 by company Essers and is now in Contern.
Alice, invoices department.
Taunt Alice, like I called her for a long time, was always there to gave me a "kick in my ass" when I needed one. Her tenacity and her perseverance often showed me the right way when I was out of it and always good advices when I needed them. Her nickname shows at which point she was important for me.
End of year 2003, I entered a company which will be my longest employment period (7 years) but which will also sign the most beautiful years of my life… I would like here to introduce you a company which, even if it has closed today, was my "second family" during so many years…
Jérome, Shipper. Young person after me in the equip and which however have many qualities in his work. He surprised everyone when he arrived and would easily been able to become the successor of Denis. Today in another company, he remains however a faithful friend who can as well work as enjoy himself.
Mr Harlé, director.
Thanks to him, all has started. After thrust me on an ISO project, he offered me possibility to continue this "adventure". Later, he will need me for many other missions, as different as as varied. Always there to support me , I will never thank him enough for all the things he made for me. Without him, nothing would have been possible.
Mory Helminger was sure a work place, but environment which reigned there was incomparable. Barbecues, fishing days, parties, all was made so that each one there feels good and that everyone can feel, colleagues, customers, friends...
Jean-Marc, Accountant.
Rigorous and organized accountant, Jean Marc was always my best friend at Helminger. He helped me in many difficult situations, our discussions and our chess games were always profitable for my evolution as in Helminger as in real life of every day. I will never be able enough thank him for all what he made, and I hope sincerely that we will keep contact because he will always be able to count on me.
Marc, second exploitation director.
Marc succeeds Antoine, Joseph, and another Marc and seems to be all new one at Helminger. However, he becomes quickly a faithful collaborator, despite everything what could arrive to him these past last years and always aspired to make all his possible so that work environment stats positive and pleasant.
Paulette et Sabine, Import/Export Department
My first two female colleagues, " wonder womens" who learned me transport at Helminger and the "rigour" sometimes hazardous of transport at Mory ! With time and in spite of difficulties, they became incredible friends and confident without them the helminger newspaper would have never existed !
Denis, exploitation director.
In sierck les bains, france, or in the office, Denis by his years of work and his experiment, always knew how to control the situation. He learned to never discourage myself and always to think before to act. Good mind, he proved me that depression was an useless waste of time.
Mory Helminger included ten people in the office, drivers and other staff. I knew all these people during these 7 years, and I miss them today. I will never forget them. I had even creates a newspaper in order to talk about their adventures… and also to be able to remember later…
Anne-Marie, Accountant assistant.
Called for a long time my "mother-in-law" because of her charming daughter, Anne-Marie was an exceptional confident and a devoted friend. Always smiling, she deals with the difficulties with rigour, intelligence and especially incredible calm.
So that the memory remains...
Josiane, litigation and euro palettes department.
"Josie" lives in her own "world". However, she was always an understanding and so sympathetic colleague, and that, even if she was the "suffers-pain" of the group. Simple, she however shows much organization in her work, and a trustworthy person before all.
Silvio, Olivier, Christian, Guy, workers. These 4 people were my right-hand men for so many years and we raised together and especially thanks to them, many challenges. Without them I would never have been able to go so far.