Clement is a enigma. His/her parents could not tell her the circumstances of its birth and will never have this occasion again. Given to social assistance, Clément made his childhood there. Child contrasted, surrounded constantly by a strangeness halation she met there Remy, a young a little lost boy whose parents, archaeologists, were taken as hostages in a foreign country. They will be very quickly friends and inseparable (to the great displeasure of their teachers). The two years they have passed together was a true happiness for Clément, but one day the parents of Rémy were released and he left the DASS association. One year after the departure of Rémy, Clement received a stamped letter from Poudlart, school of witchcraft and Wizardy": She was called in the the famous English college to become a great sorcerer. The revelation of her powers and her magic nature was a true relief for Clément : That explained so many things, for example how could the pepitos packages contains systematically twice more cakes than what was indicated on the box or why each time the doctor gives her suppositories, the pharmacist sold to her boxes automatically filled with mints - definitely less traumatisant except between the hands of an old male nurse and visually defective. Clement had finally found his way. But its powers were shown as impressive as perfectly unstable. Often, the spells she invocated transformed in full catastrophes, absolutely opposite of what she invocated. During her examination at the end of first year an poor accident was the reason to be fired off from school. Frustrated, disappointed, Clément could go up the slope of the depression thanks to assencion of one of his/her friends, Harry Potter, which quickly became the best of its school and of which it made become her idol very quickly : through the adventures of her model, she regained confidence in her powers and finished her training of magician as an autodidact. She found three years after Remy again with stupor, changed by time and events. She decided to follow him and they set up together in the only thing her parents ever give to her: their house.
Skills :
Potion training, thaumarturgie, divination : +30
To shit her incantations: +15
To make strange experiments: +15
Control of white magic
Protection against the black magic: +20
Increased entropic affinity
To make fear flies: +30
like :
+ shout
+ loose parties with Remy
+ Harry Potteeeerr
+ Her brood
+ Her magic lessons
dislike :
- To shit her spells
- To be in trouble
- Miss Harry Potter movie
- No one must talk bad about Harry
- When Rémy removes his shoes
- When Sinji makes a mess
thanks to guardians website for the information on this webpage
Clement (or Clemence) is a mystical entropist with powers as equal as the random dimension of her invocations.
By her only presence, she gives to the Damned movie this unexpected and fun face, but also shows a determination and an energy without limits…
Clement is the central element from a trio made up of with Rémy and Sinji.
thanks to guardians website for the information on this webpage
Clement (or Clemence) is a mystical entropist with powers as equal as the random dimension of her invocations.
By her only presence, she gives to the Damned movie this unexpected and fun face, but also shows a determination and an energy without limits…
Clement is the central element from a trio made up of with Rémy and Sinji.
Clement is a enigma. His/her parents could not tell her the circumstances of its birth and will never have this occasion again. Given to social assistance, Clément made his childhood there. Child contrasted, surrounded constantly by a strangeness halation she met there Remy, a young a little lost boy whose parents, archaeologists, were taken as hostages in a foreign country. They will be very quickly friends and inseparable (to the great displeasure of their teachers). The two years they have passed together was a true happiness for Clément, but one day the parents of Rémy were released and he left the DASS association. One year after the departure of Rémy, Clement received a stamped letter from Poudlart, school of witchcraft and Wizardy": She was called in the the famous English college to become a great sorcerer. The revelation of her powers and her magic nature was a true relief for Clément : That explained so many things, for example how could the pepitos packages contains systematically twice more cakes than what was indicated on the box or why each time the doctor gives her suppositories, the pharmacist sold to her boxes automatically filled with mints - definitely less traumatisant except between the hands of an old male nurse and visually defective. Clement had finally found his way. But its powers were shown as impressive as perfectly unstable. Often, the spells she invocated transformed in full catastrophes, absolutely opposite of what she invocated. During her examination at the end of first year an poor accident was the reason to be fired off from school. Frustrated, disappointed, Clément could go up the slope of the depression thanks to assencion of one of his/her friends, Harry Potter, which quickly became the best of its school and of which it made become her idol very quickly : through the adventures of her model, she regained confidence in her powers and finished her training of magician as an autodidact. She found three years after Remy again with stupor, changed by time and events. She decided to follow him and they set up together in the only thing her parents ever give to her: their house.
Skills :
Potion training, thaumarturgie, divination : +30
To shit her incantations: +15
To make strange experiments: +15
Control of white magic
Protection against the black magic: +20
Increased entropic affinity
To make fear flies: +30
like :
+ shout
+ loose parties with Remy
+ Harry Potteeeerr
+ Her brood
+ Her magic lessons
dislike :
- To shit her spells
- To be in trouble
- Miss Harry Potter movie
- No one must talk bad about Harry
- When Rémy removes his shoes
- When Sinji makes a mess